Work You Love: How To Find Your *it*

Work You Love:  How To Find Your *it*

I wasn't always obsessed with the idea of work you love. In college, I had no idea what I wanted to do so I picked a major I was well suited for (adult education) and boom, done.

Diploma in hand.

Watch out world, blonde ambition coming to take you on.

And by that time I had already been promoted from intern to Human Resource Specialist. What? Who gets that lucky to walk across the graduation stage and not be panicking about what is next? I understand now that it was a gift in so many ways.

In my mind, it was just meant to be. 

I didn't know myself very well back then. And because of that not knowing I didn't like to make any big decisions and defaulted to what was easiest (safe). I went to college in my hometown. I took an internship with my best friend by my side (that truth be told she arranged for me). And then gradually in getting to know and trust my co-workers I was willing to accept an offer to join the corporate world. It's was a win-win.

I was floating down the stream of life, not a care in the world, and the ride was good! Life. Was. Safe.

But playing it safe gets boring. You are not challenged. You don't push yourself to grow and learn.

When opportunity presented itself, I said "YES!!".  Isn't that how this adult status works?  You hustle, prove yourself and then awesome opportunities fall into your lap. I didn't realize it was up to me to choose my path and in doing so I would create a life I love.

I found safety, a family, in the people I worked with which is why I spent arguably the best 14 years of my life with them. I still love and miss my former co-workers, but I am living my dreams and doing work I love and there is no substitution for that feeling.

Finding and doing work you love sets the foundation for a life you love. It's no coincidence that when I finally found my *it* and put my side gig into the fast lane I fell in love for the first time. And when you love yourself and have someone by your side who loves and supports you, it gives you courage to swallow your fear and be you, the person you were put here to be (thank you Mr. Jackson).

 Studies indicate that up to 80% of us are not doing work we love


Four in five. 

TRUTH: The world needs what only you have to offer.

It look me years to figure out what I wanted to do when I "grew up", but mostly because I was focusing on what I wanted to do and less on who I wanted to be.

The journey is not about finding a new career or starting a business.  It's about the impact you want to have on the world. Our life's mission is to find our *it* and building a life around that.

Last year I wrote "How To Find Your *it*: Six Secrets to Harness Your Awesome and Find The Perfect Career" and I am so excited to share that I am taking it a step further by launching the "Find Your *it*" virtual program.  If you are wanting more but not sure what that is or feeling lost and stuck this program is for YOU! I will teach you the secrets to finding your *it*, support you as you dig deep and once you know, set you up for success as you go after your *it*.

A life changing revolution.

I'd love to have you join us. Sign up today for this online and teleconference based small group. Hurry, space is limited!

{ FYi starts 1/11/16. Early pricing through 1/6/16.}

What holds you back from finding your *it*? Or if you have found *it* what advice do you have to share with those still looking?  I'd love to have you comment below!