Q + A

You have questions, we have answers!

Learn more about the Skills program below or reach out to laura@lauragmeinder.com to schedule a time to chat about if Skills is right for you.

 So is this a group program? How much time can I expect with Laura?

Yes, it's a small group hybrid program meaning that most of the program is done as a group with the exception of the 1:1 Wrap Up session so you can get the individualized attention you need in your business. It’s the best of both worlds. Laura will be accessible to you in the Facebook group, during study halls (accountability), and during weekly coaching calls. You will get the support you need.

What’s up with these study halls? Are they required?

Life happens. Business happens. But often our days get soooo busy we don’t take a lot of time to work on our business.  The idea behind study halls is to come together to do work and do a little socializing. Entrepreneurship can be a little lonely. Each session is Tuesday at 11:30 p.m.-1:00 p.m. starting October 19, 2021. It’s 90 minutes, with three rounds of 25 minute work time and 5 minute of anything goes. Come when you want, leave when you have to.  Not required, just something extra to keep you on track. When you join the program we will even send you a calendar invite so you can hold the time.

What if I get stuck or feel overwhelmed? Is there any accountability?

We’ve all been there.  Need to focus?  Join a study hall.  Need cheering or support? Post in the group.  Have a question?  Bring it to the coaching call. Can’t wait for the call?  Post it in the group and tag Laura. This program was designed to give you flexibility and accountability. For example, unlike other programs, we will be sending out calendar invites so you can save this time on your calendar. We will also have weekly posts in the group for accountability, support and most importantly celebrating your successes big and small.

What if I can’t make the coaching calls?

All of the calls will be recorded and available to you. Coaching calls will be held on Thursdays starting October 14th from 11:30 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. (or until all of your questions are answered).

I’m not sure this is the right time. When will Skills to Pay the Bill$ be offered next?

Short answer: We aren’t sure.

Long answer: Potentially fall 2022 but no decision has been made yet. When it is offered next it will be at a higher price point.

If you are thinking about it, NOW is the time to join so you don’t miss out.

Are results guaranteed?

While I (and no other coach for that mater) can’t guarantee results, if you’re putting in the time, I promise you will get a high value out of the program. My client testimonials above are reflective of the results my clients achieve. If Skills to Pay the Bill$ does not provide a huge value to you and your business, we will happily offer a refund.

I’m still not sure. How can I find out more?

No problem! Set up a time to chat with Laura.