38 Lessons I Learned By My 38th Birthday

38 Lessons I Learned By My 38th Birthday

What life is trying over and over again to teach me...and I finally accepted as truth.  I hope you'll find a little nugget or a truth bomb in this list.

Ladies Who Lead: A Manifesto

What do you stand for?  I've been thinking about this a lot lately.  Here is my Ladies Who Lead Manifesto, inspired by the workshop of the same name.  It's the lessons I've learned over the years about the person- and the leader -I want to be and the core beliefs that inspire me. 

No, it's not easy, but I try.

What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do Next

Sometimes we feel overwhelmed and push pause on life, afraid or uncertain to make the next move. How do you shift from inaction and fear to accomplishing what you want? It's part mindset and getting focused on what you want and how you will get it. Also, surrounding yourself with people who encourage, challenge and cheer you on can make all the difference in moving past pause.